Tuesday 14 March 2023

Decisive Sahih Hadith Content Check - Part 1 - The Sahih Hadith Bluff

The Decisive Sahih Hadith Content Check Project - 509 page and 200+ Hadith sample for Part 1 - The Sahih Hadith Bluff

with a 9 Hadith pair preview for Part 2 - Non-Sahih Hadith vs Sahih Hadith
(e.g. 1 of the 9 pairs : Sahih Hadith implication : Hyena is game {page 492} vs Da'eef Hadith implication : Who eats Hyenas? {page 492}.
Another : Sahih Hadith implication : Mastigure (a reptile) is not prohibited (but not Sunnah) {page 497} vs Da'eef Hadith implication : Mastigure (a reptile) is forbidden (i.e. Haram) {page 496})

Another : Sahih Hadith implication : Horse flesh is not forbidden {page 481} vs Da'eef Hadith implication : Horse flesh is forbidden (i.e. Haram) {page 479})

Another : Sahih Hadith implication : Prophet Muhammad ﷺ ate locusts {page 489} vs Da'eef Hadith implication : Prophet Muhammad ﷺ did not eat locusts {page 488})

and a 1 Hadith pair preview for Part 3 - Sahih Hadith and Non-Sahih Hadith having same or similar content.
Download PDF : DSHCCP Part 1 Sample - The Sahih Hadith Bluff (100 MB PDF, 500+pages, 200+Hadiths)
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Last edited = 3rd May 2023.

If you still assert that all Sahih Hadiths / Ahadith can be attributed with certainty to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ even after reading this comprehensive PDF sample or if you are too scared to face the evidences presented in this PDF, then I only have 1 question for you:
Is it the devil's deception or
are you an eternity risking daredevil?

No compromises on Truth

Method of sponsoring / Funding:
Direct IBAN transfer, or via Google Pay or Apple Pay, or transfer via Ria, Western Union or MoneyGram, but other methods can also be explored via Email. IBAN and other required details can be provided to interested sponsors, after some discussion with the sponsor for some days or weeks. Email :asimiqbal2nd @ live.com

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Youtube Video : Decisive Sahih Hadith Content Check Project - The Sahih Hadith Bluff - Full Video Preview

Sahih Hadith vs embryology

Appendix 1: Shia Hadith Source with Arabic and Labeling Found
Sponsorship or funding offers required to inshaALLAH! allocate the first 100 to 200 hours on the 1st round with Shia Hadiths and add them to DSHCCP PDF. Here is the link for the site planned to be used inshaALLAH!. Email me @ aasimiqbaal @ gmail.com / asimiqbal2nd @ live.com

Appendix 2: InshaALLAH! Hadiths to be added in next edition whenever work is started again on this paused project
Only Sunnah.com and thaqalayn.net references and links quoted for now:
Bukhari: 5716 (Honey and diarrhea)

Muslim: 2788a vs Nasai: 5379 (2 Hands?)

Al Kafi: Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 55, Hadith 1 (Earth and the alleged whale, water, rock, bull, mist)
Al Kafi: Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 491, Hadith 1 and Al Kafi: Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 490, Hadith 1 (Earth folds up during the end of the night?)

More Hadiths for Part 3: Preview - Sahih Hadith and Non-Sahih Hadith having same or similar content
Additional references for the Hadith set already included in the PDF.
نهى رَسُولُ اللّٰهِ صلَّى اللّٰهُ عليه وسلَّمَ عن التَّرَجُّلِ إِلَّا غِبًّا
Hadiths labeled as Sahih
Hadiths labeled as Non-sahih